


At GlaKam we continue to have meaningful alliances with partners that can advance the solutions we offer. We recognize that these allliance are in fact neccesary for  cost  as well as risk reduction of our business solutions while making sure we provide the best customer service there is to offer to our clients.

We don't just leave after your project is done, we always keep you informed of the trends in your industry so that you can remain ahead of the competition.
Our Partnerships.
GlaKams strives to create meaningful alliances with  reputable  partners so that our customers can thrive.  We dont just partner with any one because we recognized the risk of such costly mistakes and the adverse impact they could have on our business. 
Partner Evaluation and Selection.
For any strategic alliance, our GCG trained consultants will create an evaluation and governance structure ensuring that our partners are competent in what they offer . Most important we look to see if their ethical and cultural values align with our company values prior to implementing any shared service or solution to any of our customers.
Alliance relationship management.
The management of our partnerships is key element for sustained profitability. That is why, GCG continues to perform periodic review of established partnership with our alliances to make sure that all  parties involved are attaining their goals and  that there is continued improvements in all aspect of the relationship. 
Mananging risk by win-win solution.
There are risks with any partnership that is established. At Glakam we recognized  that fact. It is  our ethical responsibility in ensuring that all partnerships are carefully negotiated fairly and the  agreements  openly and honestly discussed point out potential risks and how they should be managed prior to and during the business partnership period. 
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